use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::iter::repeat;
use std::time::Duration;
use time::{self, SteadyTime};
use std::io::Stdout;
use tty::{Width, terminal_size};
macro_rules! kb_fmt {
($n: ident) => {{
let kb = 1024f64;
match $n {
$n if $n >= kb.powf(4_f64) => format!("{:.*} TB", 2, $n / kb.powf(4_f64)),
$n if $n >= kb.powf(3_f64) => format!("{:.*} GB", 2, $n / kb.powf(3_f64)),
$n if $n >= kb.powf(2_f64) => format!("{:.*} MB", 2, $n / kb.powf(2_f64)),
$n if $n >= kb => format!("{:.*} KB", 2, $n / kb),
_ => format!("{:.*} B", 0, $n)
macro_rules! repeat {
($s: expr, $n: expr) => {{
const FORMAT: &'static str = "[=>-]";
const TICK_FORMAT: &'static str = "\\|/-";
const NANOS_PER_SEC: u32 = 1_000_000_000;
pub enum Units {
pub struct ProgressBar<T: Write> {
start_time: SteadyTime,
units: Units,
pub total: u64,
current: u64,
bar_start: String,
bar_current: String,
bar_current_n: String,
bar_remain: String,
bar_end: String,
tick: Vec<String>,
tick_state: usize,
width: Option<usize>,
message: String,
last_refresh_time: SteadyTime,
max_refresh_rate: Option<time::Duration>,
pub is_finish: bool,
pub is_multibar: bool,
pub show_bar: bool,
pub show_speed: bool,
pub show_percent: bool,
pub show_counter: bool,
pub show_time_left: bool,
pub show_tick: bool,
pub show_message: bool,
handle: T,
impl ProgressBar<Stdout> {
pub fn new(total: u64) -> ProgressBar<Stdout> {
let handle = ::std::io::stdout();
ProgressBar::on(handle, total)
impl<T: Write> ProgressBar<T> {
pub fn on(handle: T, total: u64) -> ProgressBar<T> {
let mut pb = ProgressBar {
total: total,
current: 0,
start_time: SteadyTime::now(),
units: Units::Default,
is_finish: false,
is_multibar: false,
show_bar: true,
show_speed: true,
show_percent: true,
show_counter: true,
show_time_left: true,
show_tick: false,
show_message: true,
bar_start: String::new(),
bar_current: String::new(),
bar_current_n: String::new(),
bar_remain: String::new(),
bar_end: String::new(),
tick: Vec::new(),
tick_state: 0,
width: None,
message: String::new(),
last_refresh_time: SteadyTime::now(),
max_refresh_rate: None,
handle: handle,
pub fn set_units(&mut self, u: Units) {
self.units = u;
pub fn format(&mut self, fmt: &str) {
if fmt.len() >= 5 {
let v: Vec<&str> = fmt.split("").collect();
self.bar_start = v[1].to_owned();
self.bar_current = v[2].to_owned();
self.bar_current_n = v[3].to_owned();
self.bar_remain = v[4].to_owned();
self.bar_end = v[5].to_owned();
pub fn message(&mut self, message: &str) {
self.message = message.to_owned().replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")
pub fn tick_format(&mut self, tick_fmt: &str) {
if tick_fmt != TICK_FORMAT {
self.show_tick = true;
self.tick = tick_fmt.split("").map(|x| x.to_owned()).filter(|x| x != "").collect();
pub fn set_width(&mut self, w: Option<usize>) {
self.width = w;
pub fn set_max_refresh_rate(&mut self, w: Option<Duration>) {
self.max_refresh_rate =;
if let Some(dur) = self.max_refresh_rate {
self.last_refresh_time = self.last_refresh_time - dur;
pub fn tick(&mut self) {
self.tick_state = (self.tick_state + 1) % self.tick.len();
if self.current <= {
pub fn add(&mut self, i: u64) -> u64 {
self.current += i;
pub fn set(&mut self, i: u64) -> u64 {
self.current = i;
pub fn inc(&mut self) -> u64 {
fn draw(&mut self) {
let now = SteadyTime::now();
if let Some(mrr) = self.max_refresh_rate {
if now - self.last_refresh_time < mrr {
let time_elapsed = time_to_std(now - self.start_time);
let speed = self.current as f64 / fract_dur(time_elapsed);
let width = self.width();
let mut base = String::new();
let mut suffix = String::new();
let mut prefix = String::new();
let mut out;
if self.show_percent {
let percent = self.current as f64 / ( as f64 / 100f64);
suffix = suffix +
&format!(" {:.*} % ", 2, if percent.is_nan() { 0.0 } else { percent });
if self.show_speed {
suffix = match self.units {
Units::Default => suffix + &format!("{:.*}/s ", 2, speed),
Units::Bytes => suffix + &format!("{}/s ", kb_fmt!(speed)),
if self.show_time_left && self.current > 0 {
if > self.current {
let left = 1. / speed * ( - self.current) as f64;
if left < 60. {
suffix = suffix + &format!("{:.0}s", left);
} else {
suffix = suffix + &format!("{:.0}m", left / 60.);
if self.show_message {
prefix = prefix + &format!("{}", self.message)
if self.show_counter {
let (c, t) = (self.current as f64, as f64);
prefix = prefix +
&match self.units {
Units::Default => format!("{} / {} ", c, t),
Units::Bytes => format!("{} / {} ", kb_fmt!(c), kb_fmt!(t)),
if self.show_tick {
prefix = prefix + &format!("{} ", self.tick[self.tick_state]);
if self.show_bar {
let p = prefix.len() + suffix.len() + 3;
if p < width {
let size = width - p;
let curr_count = ((self.current as f64 / as f64) * size as f64)
.ceil() as usize;
if size >= curr_count {
let rema_count = size - curr_count;
base = self.bar_start.clone();
if rema_count > 0 && curr_count > 0 {
base = base + repeat!(self.bar_current.to_string(), curr_count - 1) +
} else {
base = base + repeat!(self.bar_current.to_string(), curr_count);
base = base + repeat!(self.bar_remain.to_string(), rema_count) + &self.bar_end;
out = prefix + &base + &suffix;
if out.len() < width {
let gap = width - out.len();
out = out + repeat!(" ", gap);
printfl!(self.handle, "\r{}", out);
self.last_refresh_time = SteadyTime::now();
fn finish_draw(&mut self) {
let mut redraw = false;
if let Some(mrr) = self.max_refresh_rate {
if SteadyTime::now() - self.last_refresh_time < mrr {
self.max_refresh_rate = None;
redraw = true;
if self.current < {
self.current =;
redraw = true;
if redraw {
self.is_finish = true;
pub fn finish(&mut self) {
printfl!(self.handle, "");
pub fn finish_print(&mut self, s: &str) {
let width = self.width();
let mut out = format!("{}", s);
if s.len() < width {
out += repeat!(" ", width - s.len());
printfl!(self.handle, "\r{}", out);
pub fn finish_println(&mut self, s: &str) {
if self.is_multibar {
return self.finish_print(s);
printfl!(self.handle, "\n{}", s);
fn width(&mut self) -> usize {
if let Some(w) = self.width {
} else if let Some((Width(w), _)) = terminal_size() {
w as usize
} else {
impl<T: Write> Write for ProgressBar<T> {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
let n = buf.len();
self.add(n as u64);
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
fn time_to_std(d: time::Duration) -> Duration {
if d > time::Duration::zero() {
let secs = d.num_seconds();
let nsecs = (d - time::Duration::seconds(secs)).num_nanoseconds().unwrap();
Duration::new(secs as u64, nsecs as u32)
} else {
Duration::new(0, 1)
fn fract_dur(d: Duration) -> f64 {
d.as_secs() as f64 + d.subsec_nanos() as f64 / NANOS_PER_SEC as f64
mod test {
use pb::ProgressBar;
fn add() {
let mut pb = ProgressBar::new(10);
assert!(pb.current == 2, "should add the given `n` to current");
assert!(pb.add(2) == pb.current,
"add should return the current value");
fn inc() {
let mut pb = ProgressBar::new(10);;
assert!(pb.current == 1, "should increment current by 1");
fn format() {
let fmt = "[~> ]";
let mut pb = ProgressBar::new(1);
assert!(pb.bar_start + &pb.bar_current + &pb.bar_current_n + &pb.bar_remain +
&pb.bar_end == fmt);
fn finish() {
let mut pb = ProgressBar::new(10);
assert!(pb.current ==, "should set current to total");
assert!(pb.is_finish, "should set is_finish to true");
fn kb_fmt() {
let kb = 1024f64;
let mb = kb.powf(2f64);
let gb = kb.powf(3f64);
let tb = kb.powf(4f64);
assert_eq!(kb_fmt!(kb), "1.00 KB");
assert_eq!(kb_fmt!(mb), "1.00 MB");
assert_eq!(kb_fmt!(gb), "1.00 GB");
assert_eq!(kb_fmt!(tb), "1.00 TB");